Removal of Silicone Granuloma from the Buttocks using VASER Liposuction
Removal of Silicone from the Buttocks Patients who present with a history of silicone injection to the buttocks or gluteal region may...

Keys to a Long-term Success in Liposuction
After liposuction, patient needs to have a realistic expectation to have a long-term succesful outcome. There are 4 key elements to have...

VASER Liposuction: A Good Source for Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
VASER Liposuction used for Fat Transfer Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are the spindle shaped plastic-adherent cells isolated from bone...

Buccal Fat Removal | Bichectomia in Houston, Texas
Buccal fat Removal Buccal fat removal is a facial plastic surgery procedure that involves removing fat from your face to create a slimmer...

Large Volume Liposuction Improves Cholesterol Level and Diabetes
Large Volume Liposuction Improves Cholesterol Level and Diabetes A recent systematic review was recently published evaluating whether...

VASER Lipo versus Smart Lipo
VASER Lipo versus Smart Lipo After more than a hundred VASER liposuctions I’ve performed in the Houston area, the fundamental questions...

Large Volume Liposuction may Improve Diabetes & Hypertension
Large Volume Liposuction may Improve Diabetes and Hypertension Numerous studies have been published recently regarding the benefits of...

Coffee Effects on Breast Size
Coffee Intake Influences Breast Size by Stef De La Cruz More cups of coffee lead to smaller "cup size" Women are having second...

Operation Smile Gala in Houston 2016
Operation Smile Gala 2016 in Houston Operation Smile’s 3rd Annual Houston Smile Gala raised over $200,000 to provide life-changing...

Large Volume Liposuction: Is it safe?
Numerous studies were published regarding the safety of large volume liposuction. However, this procedure is safe if performed in the...