Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty with Fillers
Nose reshaping was the third most popular surgical cosmetic procedure in the United States in 2017 with a total of 213,780 procedures,...

Closed versus Open Rhinoplasty: Advantages and Disadvantages.
Nowadays, nose reshaping holds third place in the ranking of most popular aesthetic surgeries with a total of 213,780 procedures...

Use of Renuvion (J-Plasma) for Skin Tightening
The human body produces collagen naturally and it is in abundance when young, but unfortunately production starts to decline at about age...

Minimally Invasive Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
Breast augmentation continues to be the most popular and frequently performed aesthetic surgery and has been since 2006, according to the...

G-Shot Injection to Boost Sexual Sensitivity
The G-SHOT injection (also known as the G-Spot Amplification) is a non-surgical, vaginal rejuvenation treatment that is administered by a...

Art of Sculpting and Plastic Surgery
The links between the worlds of art and plastic surgery are powerful and prevalent. It’s not a coincidence that many practicing plastic...

Anatomical Breast Implants for a Superior Look and Feel
Breast augmentation continues to be the most popular and frequently performed aesthetic surgery and has been since 2006, according to the...

Face Contouring with Buccal Fat Removal
Buccal fat pad removal, also known as bichectomy or check reduction, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excessive fat pads from the...

Fat Resorption after Brazilian Butt Lift surgery
The great advantage of the VASER Liposuction with fat transfer to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery is that this technique...

Buccal Fat Removal or Bichectomia for Facial Sculpting - Houston, Texas
Buccal fat pad is a a singular structure that is composed of fat that is located in between the facial muscles. When this is enlarged,...