Who is the best BBL Surgeon? The answer to this question is not as simple as one might think. In fact, there are a few different things that people tend to look for when choosing a physician to perform their cosmetic surgery. When trying to find the best surgeon possible, consider the following:
Figure 1: BBL is one of the fastest growing plastic surgeries in America.
Should you get a Brazilian Butt Lift?​
Most cosmetic surgeries, including a Brazilian butt lift, are elective procedures. That is, the procedures are done because they will make a patient feel better or boost her self-esteem. However, not all elective procedures are done based on the patient's needs. Some surgeries are done for purely cosmetic reasons. For instance, in some cosmetic surgery procedures, fat is removed from specific regions of the body to improve a person's shape or health. However, fat loss is not the only reason for a Brazilian butt lift.
Where to get your Brazilian Butt Lift?​
Also consider where the procedure will take place and whether the procedure will be performed under local or general anesthesia. While some procedures are done only in the hospital, others are performed in the comfort of the doctor's office.
Which kind of procedure is right for you depends on what your expectations are and how realistic those expectations are. If you want a natural-looking result, then a board-certified plastic surgeon will be the best bbl surgeon for you. He or she will have more experience performing the procedure than other doctors.
In addition to which type of procedure you're having, also take into account that doctor is going to oversee your recovery. Many board-certified plastic surgeons provide patients with post-procedure care at a local hospital or medical clinic. In many cases, these doctors and medical staff are able to provide patients with aftercare services as well.
Choosing your BBL Doctor
It's important to choose the best doctor who is going to provide you with the best service when it comes to your Brazilian Butt Lift. Your surgeon will be responsible for the majority of your care. Even though he or she will perform the procedure, you'll still have to make sure that all of your aftercare is followed.
Your doctor is responsible for seeing that your procedure goes smoothly and that you are back to normal quickly. If you do your homework, you can easily find a great doctor who provides affordable plastic surgery in Mexico. Make sure that he or she is board-certified and have many years of experience.
Figure 2: Before and After Brazilian Butt Lift with 4D VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction performed by Dr. De La Cruz.
Is a BBL within your budget?​
You want your Brazilian Butt Lift to go well, but you don't want it to cost you too much. Be sure that your surgeon is going to work within your budget. Most procedures take place over several months and this will require that you set aside a good amount of time to allow for recovery and payment. If you are having multiple patients, you may even need to plan on additional nights away from home.
Take some time to ask your doctor about financing options, so you can afford your Brazilian Butt Lift. Some insurance companies do cover some procedures, so be sure to check with your own personal insurer to find out if you are covered.
Post-Operative care to speed up Brazilian Butt Lift recovery
Follow a balanced diet which includes foods high in fiber (such as raw fruits and vegetables) and drinking plenty of water and fluids, since both pain medication and decreased activity may promote constipation.
Start doing some light walking the night of the surgery to help prevent any blood clot formation in the legs. Dr. De La Cruz may recommend taking anticoagulant medication and wearing anti-embolism stockings as well.
Take supplements like iron if you feel fatigued and vitamin C, as directed by Dr. De La Cruz, to boost your body's ability to heal.
Avoid cigarettes and heavy drinking because these habits reduce circulation throughout the body, leading to the degradation of new cells.
Wear your specialized compression garments around the clock (except for showering) for 6 months, to reduce swelling and help your skin contract smoothly to your new body's contours.
At least ten lymphatic massages sessions are required, starting 24 hours after the procedure, to eliminate excess lymph fluid, alleviate swelling and discomfort and also prevent complications such as seromas and contour irregularities (indentations and/or fibrosis).
Avoid sitting and putting pressure in your buttocks for eight weeks. Patients may use the Brazilian Butt Lift pillow.
Do not exercise for two months.
Stomach sleeping for eight weeks. Dr. De La Cruz suggests to his patients having different pillows at hand and changing their necks' position from time to time, to feel more comfortable in bed.
Figure 3: Minimal downtime for beautiful results with Brazilian Butt Lift surgery.
Safety in Brazilian Butt Lift surgery
More than 20,000 people had buttock augmentations in the United States last year and the number continues to grow according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). This procedure is fairly safe because of advances in technology. As with every surgery, there are some risks associated with BBL surgery, such as fat embolism (fat in injected into the bloodstream and travels to the lungs), numbness, bruising, infection, necrosis of fat or surrounding tissue, excessive blood loss, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) among others. However, an experienced and highly trained plastic surgeon as Dr. De La Cruz can help diminish those risks significantly.
» Contact Dr. De La Cruz today for more information by calling 832.520.1844