4D VASER Hi-Definition LIPOSUCTION (Women)
4D VASER Hi-Definition Liposuction (Women)
Liposuction Houston
4D VASER Liposuction is an advanced body contouring procedure that selectively remove unwanted body fat. This method uses minimally-invasive ultrasound technology to emulsify fat while leaving all other important tissues intact, resulting in significant desirable effects with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Consequently, patients recover considerably quicker as they suffer reduced bleeding, bruising and swelling in the treated areas.
The shorter recovery time needed for 4D VASER Liposuction makes it more convenient and appealing to my patients, who may return to their work and regular activities as short as one week after the surgery and sometimes sooner. Meanwhile, the recovery time expected for Smart Lipo and other traditional liposuction methods exceeds the 2 weeks.
Another reason why many plastic surgeons favor VASER liposuction over other alternatives is the remarkable advantage of using the extracted excess of fat to transfer it to other specifics areas of the body such as buttocks and/or thighs. This process is called Fat Transfer Procedure or Fat Grafting. It’s important noticing that fat cells treated and removed during VASER Lipo procedures are typically of high quality (in contrast with the ones extracted via Smart Lipo), and are viable to re-introduce into the body. Unlike short lasting synthetic fillers, re-injecting your own fat may give you natural looking results that last longer, with no risk of rejection. This favorable possibility to accentuate and contour your body by using your own fat in a single procedure is definitely one big plus for 4D VASER Liposuction in comparison to other liposuction procedures.
How does 4D VASER Liposuction work?
The innovative technique of 4D VASER Liposuction involves infusing the area with tumescent fluid to reduce post-operative pain and to minimize bleeding as well. This measure is then followed by emulsifying the fat with a VASER probe without harming the surrounding nerves, vessels, and other tissues. Liposuction is then performed using a series of multiple curved cannulas to sculpt the curvature of the body, and a series of straight cannulas to etch the fine details of the musculature, resulting in an athletic sculpted appearance.
The 4D VASER Hi-Definition liposculpture is an advanced liposuction technique that involves not only removing fat but meticulously sculpts and defines your curves and brings out the athletic figure in you. This revolutionary minimally invasive procedure leverages ultrasound energy to emulsify the fat without harming the surrounding structures. It is the only liposuction procedure that has been clinically proven to cause skin retraction with minimal bleeding and minimal risk of contour irregularities. There’s significant improvement in body contouring with the high-definition liposuction over traditional liposuction. This procedure involves liposculpture of the abdomen, the back, the arms with fat transfer to the chest or shoulder in men ,and to the buttock in women to enhance one’s features.

Figure 1: Before and After 4D VASER Liposuction with fat transfer to the buttocks, performed by Dr. De La Cruz.
Figure 1: Before & After Photos of 4D VASER High Definition Liposculpture (6 weeks after surgery) performed by Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC. Note that final definition is typically seen 3-4 months after surgery. Patient went from a size 6 to a size 2. Result may vary individually.

Figure 2: Before & After Photos of 4 D VASER Hi-Definition Liposculpture of the Back with Fat Transfer to the Buttock (500 ml on each side; 6 DAYS AFTER SURGERY). Procedure performed by Dr. Emmanuel De La Cruz. Note that the swelling will continue to improve up to 5-6 months after surgery.

Figure 3: Before & After Photos of 4 D VASER Hi-Definition Liposculpture 8 weeksr after surgery performed by Dr. Emmanuel De La Cruz
Clinical Study
A multicenter, prospective randomized controlled trial in 2012 recently showed that the VASER-assisted liposuction resulted in a statistically significant improvement in skin retraction of 53 percent relative to the traditional regular liposuction (17 percent per liter versus 11 percent per liter, p = 0.003). Moreover, the VASER-assisted liposuction group also resulted in a statistically significant reduction in blood loss of 26 percent relative to the traditional liposuction (p = 0.019 with n = 20 using a two-tailed t test).

Figure 4: Before & After Photos of Abdominal Liposuction (VASER Liposuction 3 Months after the Procedure. Procedure performed by Houston Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Emmanuel De La Cruz. Note: Skin retraction after VASER Liposuction peaks at 4 months, and thus results will continue to improve 1 month after the procedure.
• The VASER-liposuction method demonstrated improved skin retraction compared with traditional/conventional liposuction.
• The VASER-liposuction method demonstrated reduction in blood loss compared with traditional liposuction.
• No serious complications reported in a clinical study involving VASER liposuction in over 70,000 VASER liposuction procedures.
• No burn complications, contour irregularities or prolonged swelling seen in one clinical study.
• No revisions needed after a VASER liposuction found in a multi-center pilot study.
How is the 4D VASER High-Definition Liposuction procedure performed?
Dr. De La Cruz performs the procedure using several techniques and method. He uses three different machines when he performs this procedure.
1) VASER liposuction - this emulsifies/liquefies the fat. It reduces the risk of contour irregularities and causes significant skin retraction. Less bleeding occurs with this liposuction method.
2) Infrasonic Power-assisted liposuction - this is used to contouring of the abdomen. This produces a smoother contour than other power-assisted liposuction methods, like MicroAire.
3) Renuvion or J-Plasma (Optional) - this is an optional procedure that causes further skin retraction as well as smoothens the contours produced.
Patient Safety During Surgery
Dr. De La Cruz values patient safety during your surgery. For large volume high-definition liposuction, there are certain criterias that should be met before your plastic surgery.
For patients who have co-morbidities, such as Diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, a medical and cardiac clearance are required prior to surgery. For patients whose age >45, a cardiac clearance from a cardiologist is required by Dr. De La Cruz prior to your surgery. Safety is priority in our practice.
Prevention of Infection: During your surgery, a per-operative intravenous antibiotics are given to prevent a wound infection.
DVT Prophylaxis: Dr. De La Cruz calculates your Caprini Score to evaluate your risk for Deep Venous Thrombosis. All patients would have an intermittent sequential compression device during your surgery to prevent a DVT. Moreover, an anti-coagulant, such as Heparin or Lovenox, is given to further reduce your risk for a Deep Venous Thrombosis.
For large volume high-definition liposuction patients, all patients are admitted in the hospital overnight to monitor your recovery. A hospitalist and Dr. De La Cruz would typically oversee your care while you are in the hospital.
The use of the VASER liposuction system is associated with less bleeding when it comes to large volume liposuction. A randomized clinical trial had shown that the VASER liposuction is associated with less bleeding during surgery when compared with traditional tumescent liposuction. This is key when it comes to large volume liposuction. It is essential to minimize your risk of bleeding when it comes to undergoing this procedure.
• Single procedure results with speedy recovery times
• Less bleeding & more skin retraction
• Improved body contouring over traditional liposuction
• Refines and accentuates appearance of muscles
• It’s the RECOMMENDED type of liposuction for treatment of gynecomastia in men